TRANSCO CLSG links with OMVG Network to boost Its Transmission Capacity


TRANSCO CLSG has been holding high-level coordination meetings with the authorities of the Organization for the Development of the Gambia River (OMVG) to synchronize the landmark CLSG network with the OMVG network to boost the transmission capacity of the CLSG line.
The coordination meeting was held in Dakar, Senegal where the OMVG is headquartered.
The TRANSCO CLSG delegation was headed by the Director of the Project Implementation Unit, Etienne Baily. With him were TRANSCO’s Engineering Coordinator, Erik Achi, and the Procurement and Contract Management Specialist, Mohamed Keita.
TRACTEBEL-ENGIE the Owner’s Engineer for TRANSCO CLSG and AECOM the Owner’s Engineer for OMVG are participated in the Meeting. The OMVG was represented by its General Secretary, Dauda Samble Sow.
According to a dispatch from Dakar, the coordination meetings yielded a positive outcome as there is an agreement to interconnect the two networks thus boosting the CLSG network in the transmission of abundant electricity across the countries.
The two organizations are proud of the progress made in their respective projects – 99% of completion for CLSG and 97% for OMVG.
The synchronization activities between the CLSG and OMVG networks is expected to be launched in July 2023 and considering the strong actions undertaken by both parties, OMVG will make funds availability to the EPC contractors of OMVG and TRANSCO CLSG to expedite the completion of the two remaining substations including Kamakwie and Yiben in Sierra Leone.
The respective Owner’s Engineers have been instructed to conduct close follow-ups and monitoring of the works. Necessary Committees will be put in place to prepare and organize the synchronization process.
TRANSCO CLSG and OMVG aim to boost the electricity market by sharing hydroelectric resources in the sub-region and integrating means of production and transmission of electrical energy across the region.
Following the synchronization process, Guinea which has excess hydropower in stock, will make the extra electricity supply available to the CLSG network, thereby sparking major economic activities across the lines.
The meetings concurred that commercial framework discussions will be initiated in June 2023 among the four utilities which are expected to deliberate and conclude all the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Transmission Service Agreements (TSAs).
Like the CLSG Project, the OMVG Energy Project involves four countries including The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal.
This sub-regional organization is the executing agency for integrated development programs in the region and is focused on the rational management of common resources of the Gambia, Kayanga-Géba, and Koliba-Corubal Rivers.
These river basins provide an opportunity for power production. The OMVG is being financed by member countries with international assistance, particularly from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

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