USAID announces Plans to boost Water Supply across Liberia


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced plans to introduce private-public partnerships to boost the nationwide water supply.

USAID Representative, Christian Smith, told ELBC on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, that private-public partnership will strengthen access to water supply and complement the Country’s annual revenue envelop.
Mr. Smith said the organization has already concluded discussions with the Government to reduce State ownership and develop a framework to regulate the supply chain of water.
He added that the move is set to target rural communities, beginning with four of Liberia’s fifteen counties namely Nimba, Lofa, and Grand Cape Mount, following a recent survey report.
Meanwhile, the project implementing arm, Winrock International Country Representative, Elmis Glay, said:” The entity is working with the National WASH Commission and relevant institutions to carry out the project”.

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