Rep. Gwaikolo calls for Shift from Usage of Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy


Parliamentarians from Least Developed Countries (LDC) are currently convening in Doha, Qatar to attend the UN Convention on Least Developed Countries.

Among other things, the convention seeks to push for the scaling up of commitments and actions of governments and enhancing international cooperation and collaboration – towards accelerating the just and equitable transformation of energy systems.

Nimba County Electoral District # 9 Representative, Johnson N. Gwaikolo who is representing Liberia at the event, spoke on the devastating effects of climate change, especially on Least Developed Countries.

Maryland County District#3 Representative, Isaac Roland is also part of the Liberian Delegation attending the conference.

Rep. Gwaikolo said there is scientific evidence that emissions from use of fossil fuel destroy the ozone layer which causes global temperature to rise high; thereby causing severe changes in climatic conditions.

According to him, there must be a shift away from the use of fossil fuel to renewable energy in order to save the world.

The Nimba County Electoral District #9 Lawmaker then called on Parliamentarians and their respective Parliamentary Bodies to take appropriate legislative actions to encourage investment in renewable energy.

The Liberian Legislator further informed his global Legislative Colleagues that Liberia has granted a tax waiver on importation of renewable energy in support of green energy.

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