Officials of Solway Switzerland have for the past weeks been working with officials of the Boakai’s government to buoy the way towards doing the spadework on cloud and ruckus created by some crooks of the past regime.

Sources of SOLWAY have disclosed to this paper that the new government is keen to resolve the matter swiftly and bring back investors in Liberia as well as promoting competition in the mining sector.

“New GoL has now received all necessary legal documentation to assess Solway Mining claim.” The source disclosed.

On September last year, as Liberia was getting ready for presidential election, Gesler Muray and Emmanuel Sherman, Minister and Deputy Minister at the Ministry of lands, mines and energy, orchestrated the illegal and criminal sale of SOLWAY with the complicity of a local “business man” to Arcelor Mittal.

17.5 million United States dollars were given by ArcelorMittal to allegedly feed the electoral campaign of the ruling party through Samuel TWEH and Eugene Nagbe.

Alford Boima Morgan, a local manager of the company who master planned the illicit trading of the company’s license through his friends and brothers ministers at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, has launched a petition in the Liberian court on behalf of himself and SMI which he continues to claim he always owned 100%.

Boimah Morgan’s petition in the Liberian court is against Samuel Tweah, AML and the Government of Liberia. He is seeking to recover $30m he was promised during the illegal sale of Solway’s license.

Boimah Morgan claims that the former Minister of finance Samuel Tweah used the money given by AML for his own benefits as well as several CDC officials.

This way, the usurpation of Solway’s license was the result of a well programmed operation to discourage foreign investment in Liberia. Unfortunately for the planners, they were bequeathed by their accomplices.

ArcelorMittal agreed to pay $50 million to settle a dispute with Solway Mining, Mekinel and SRG but none of these funds reached the real owners of these companies as part of the conspiracy orchestrated by now sanctioned A. Chie, N. MacGill and S. Tweah.

According to a reliable source, more names have been mentioned to be shortly added to the Us sanctions list for their involvement in corrupt activities and sabotaging of the mining sector in Liberia, that includes M. Gray, E. Sherman. Dr James Kollie, G. Murray, M. Dean and Walter McCarthy.

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