PUL’s VOSIEDA Media Alert Report on Issues arising from Journalism in Liberia


In continuation of ongoing efforts to deter impunity against journalists and media workers in Liberia, the Press Union of Liberia(PUL) has released its latest Media Alert aimed at tracking of attacks and intimidations of media practitioners in Liberia.
The Media Alert Report includes threats, attacks, lawsuits and intimidation of Liberian journalists by state actors, non- state actors, supporters of politicians and some other members of the Public as well as ethical transgressions of media practitioners.
The Alert Reports will also highlight other major issues, including critical analysis of the trend being taken by the Liberian media environment, considering the nature of space being offered by state actors for the media to thrive.

This Media Alert Report of the Press Union of Liberia is made possible by a grant from the UNDEF and Strengthening Independent Media & Freedom of Information Project in Liberia being managed by VOSEIDA, the University of Liberia Department of Media Studies and Communications. The report covers the period of October to December 2023, and it is continuation of the quarterly documentation of attacks and intimidations against journalists and media workers which will be published for the next five years as part of the rollout of the UNDEF assistance to the Union through VOISEIDA.

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