PUL troubled Over Margibi County Health Team Threat Against Journalist Jaivey


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) says it is troubled on complaint of a threat against Journalist Yawah Jaivey by the Margibi County Health Team.

Journalist Jaivey has revealed that he is being engulfed with fears of suspicious movement around his home, causing him to take his family out of Kakata and are now hiding for fear of their lives.

The PUL, in its release, expressed severe disappointment and dismayed over the act of threat against Journalist Jaivey by senior members of the Margibi Health Team, insisting that he has done nothing wrong to deserve such treatment.

Jaivey, is a reporter for the FrontPage Africa Newspaper who investigated and reported an article on leaked audio involving Margibi County Health Officer Dr. Augustine Nyankun and other senior staff discussing their involvement in financial corruption in the act of billing and collecting kickbacks from vendors.

This article brought to the limelight systematic corruption surrounding the American taxpayers’ money which was intended to enable good health services to the people of Margibi.

The Union says the article is in conformity with good standards of journalistic practices and has no ethical bridge. Insisting that those instilling fear in journalist Jaivey must refrain.

The PUL is watchful of all threats and attacks and requests the Health Ministry to seize the matter and guarantee the safety of Journalist Jaivey.

Therefore, the PUL is concerned about the safety and protection of Journalist Jaivey and wants the Liberia National Police and the entire Government of Liberia to ensure the well-being of Journalist Yawah Jaivey.

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