PUL sets December 23 As Date for the Inauguration of its new officials


The Press Union of Liberia(PUL) has set Friday, December 23, 2022 as date for the inauguration of its new officials.

Those expected to be inducted are: Daniel Nyakonah, Jr., President-elect, Bettie Johnson Myabo, Vice President-elect, Akoi M. Baysah, Jr., Secretary General- elect and Julius Konton, Assistant Secretary General- elect.

The Leaders were elected at the recently concluded 2022 Elective Congress of the Press Union of Liberia in Gbarnga, Bong County.

To plan and execute the induction of the new leaders of the PUL, the Union has named a nineteen-person committee. Those appointed to the committee are: Zoom Donzo, Chairman, Varnetta Johnson- Freeman, Co- chairperson, and Atty. Jebbeh Johnson, Secretary. Other members are Aryee Davies, Olive Stevenson, Bridgette Milton, Patrick Flomo, Cecelia Clarke, Grace Biah, and Christopher Walker.

The Port City of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County has been selected for the occasion. Those named to the Inauguration Committee from Buchanan are: Elton W. Tiah, Onesimus Garway, Alexander Musa, Keziah Chea, Zahn Dehyougar, Zanabu Dillio, Elijah Kaykay, Eric Johnson, Dekontee L. Yeahgar and Winston Daryoue.

The PUL is moreover citing all members of the Press Union of Liberia’s Inaugural Committee to a very important meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

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