LIBERIA: Pro-Temp Chea, Rep. Fallah, Bility, Others linked to Trucking of Voters


Phase two of the Biometric Voter Registration process (BVR) observation findings released by the Election Coordinating Committee (ECC) on Tuesday, May 23 2023 has linked Senate President Pro-Tempore and Grand Kru County Senator Albert T. Chea, Montserrado County District #5 Representative Thomas Fallah, Bong County District # 3 Representative Melvin Cole, and Representative hopeful Musa Bility of massive trucking of voters.

The ECC named Nimba, Bong, Lofa and Grand Kru Counties as counties involved with mass trucking of voters during the climax of phase two of the Biometric Voter Registration process (BVR)

The ECC accused Senate Pro-Tempore Chea, Representative Fallah, Representative Cole, Representative Hopeful Bility, Representative hopeful James Somah as individuals who were involved with trucking of voters in the counties outlined.

Officially releasing the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) phase two observation findings Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at ECC Office at the Rose Garden Plaza, Crown Hill, Center Monrovia, ECC Board Chairperson, Cllr. Oscar Bloh, said like Phase one, phase two process of the BVR was characterized by trucking of voters.

Cllr. Bloh alarmed that the alleged voter trucking by the statesmen are in contravention of section 10.1 of the new Election of Liberia.

“Below are documented instances of trucking reported by ECC observers allegedly done by those individuals. In Lofa Electrical District number #1 at Sengar Palava Hut with center code 21083, ECC observer reported the trucking of voter to the registration center, orchestrated by Representative Thomas Fallah. The group was intercepted by citizens who attempted to stop them from registering, which interfered with the registration process,” Cllr. Bloh disclosed.

According to him, in Lofa County, Foya District#1, the ECC county coordinator reported an incident involving the denial of a male applicant who was accused of being underage by his father.

Cllr. Bloh continues as saying, “the ECC coordinator claims that this prompted a police investigation and engagement of the NEC Magistrates responsible for this region. The investigation revealed that the male applicant was off legal voting age, and his father was imprisoned for making a false claim.”

” In Grand Kru County, ECC received reports of electoral district#1 candidate Alfred Boe, and Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chea being allegedly involved with voter trucking in Grand Kru County from Maryland and other areas of the county. In Grand Kru The ECC reported that the Lutheran Church, with Center Code 18018 , as well as other areas in the county were impacted by incidents of underage registration. The NEC Magistrates issued additional instructions to registrars, instructing them to ask parents who bust the facility to certify the age of their children to sign a bond before proceeding with the registration in order to regulate the situation,” Cllr. Bloh lamented.

He further indicated that in Bong Electoral District #3, Meleki Town Hall with center code 06085, motorbikes and Kekeh were seen transporting applicants to the registration center.

Cllr. Bloh pointed out that ECC observed received reports that the act was being financed by representative Melvin Cole Office in Monrovia.

Also, in Nimba County, the ECC Chairperson stated that in Nimba County District#5 aspirant James Somah was reported to have trucked applicants in a pickup from Ganta District#1 to Yao Lehpula, District#5 which resulted in a tragic motor accident leading to death of at least three persons, leaving several wounded.

” In the same Nimba County in district#7 it was reported that aspirant Musa Bility was involved with voter trucking of applicants to Saclepea who were non-inhabitant. Our observer who were deployed at the various centers didn’t have to physically see or take the photos of those named but even if they facilitate the movement of voters they are engaged into the crime because our observe asked the people and their names were call including other incident listed,” Cllr. Bloh stated.

He urged the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice to immediately take seize of the matter and investigate those individuals alleged of being the act in order to restore integrity and transparency to the upcoming Election.

” This is the responsibility of the state, particularly the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice to investigate and make sure that those who are found culpable are brought to book. This responsibility of the Ministry of Justice that has failed to the apprehension of people who have been named in this process,” Cllr. Bloh noted.

He pointed out that it is an open secret that all politician are involve with this, but, it’s the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice to arrest those people and whole them to account.

Cllr. Bloh added that if they are gone with impunity, when system are run like that, it runs a risk of undermining the outcome of the results.

He reiterated that vote trucking is prohibited and outlaw according to section 10.1 of the New Election Law because vote trucking is tired around vote buying.

“We have seen that this whole voter registration process had being influence by uncontrollable financial resources which is undermine the credibility and integrity of the election. If this process is not discontinuing or curtail we can say that this entire election will be commercialized when the campaign starts and people will be disinfectants because of the infusion of huge and uncontrollable financial resources,” he stressed.

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