Pres. Weah reaffirms Commitment to addressing Challenges AFL faces


President Dr. George Manneh Weah has reaffirmed his government’s commitment to providing every necessary support to the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in order to address challenges faced by the Army.

President Weah, who is Commander-In-Chief of the AFL, recounted the many professional contributions the Army continues to make in meeting the country’s needs.

In a special statement Saturday, February 11, 2023 at the 66th AFL Day Program at the Barclay Training Center, the President mentioned the Recruitment Drive for new members to join the Armed Forces, which began in 2022.

He noted that the process is ongoing, with 2,335 successful applicants from the five regions.

“The first batch of recruits and Officer Cadets training began in October last year at the Armed Forces Training Command, comprising 176 recruits and 24 officers,” the President revealed. “The first batch graduated from the Initial Entry Training in December of last year, and they completed the Advance Individual Training at the end of last month at the Barclay Training Center.”

The Commander-In-Chief asserted that the AFL is significantly involved in infrastructural development in the country to ensure it contributes its quota to meeting the needs of Liberians while at the same time conducting its security operations.

“I must say that the Armed Forces has lived up to this opportunity and has been instrumental to numerous infrastructural development efforts of the Government so far,” he said, adding that the Engineer Company has been actively involved in the construction and reconditioning of feeder roads and bridges, as well as pedestrian walkways in some towns and villages of our country. These projects are well-structured and up to international standards,’’ he added.

“Also significant was the medical outreach offered to the Liberian people by the Armed Forces in Po River, and the clean-up campaign undertaken by the Armed Forces personnel in Du Port Road Community as part of the Armed Forces Day Celebrations,” the Liberian Leader continued.

President Weah maintained that these efforts are enough reasons to celebrate the Army as being result-oriented.

President Weah asserted that his administration is aware the AFL made these achievements in the face of numerous challenges, including inadequate funding, a lack of manpower, inadequate accommodation for personnel, and insufficient codified policies for administering military justice.

He noted further: “However, let me assure you that my Administration is making all concerted effort to address these challenges. For example, just recently, I approved the Court Martial Regulation for the Armed Forces, which will greatly assist the administration of military justice in Liberia. Many such regulations will come on board in the coming days.”

President Weah also stated that the government is striving to meet the logistics and training needs of the AFL by building more capacity for the Armed Forces training institutions.

According to the President the Armed Forces of Liberia is in the process of establishing its Non-Commissioned Officers Academy at the Armed Forces Training Command at Camp Sandee Ware and that the Academy will not only increase Military capacity, but will also foster and strengthen regional and international ties with foreign militaries.

As part of efforts geared towards improving the operational and administrative course of the AFL, he announced the approval of the Court Martial Regulation for the Armed Forces, which he said will greatly assist the administration of military justice in Liberia.

“Many such regulations will come on board in the coming days,” the president emphasized.

Despite the challenges in the growth process, President Weah declared that the government will continue to make favorable policies to support the Armed Forces to grow in strength and might.

The President promised that his administration would continue to “look into the future with new hope and aspirations as we expand our efforts.

“We understand that there will be challenges in the performance of our duties. However, we ask all Liberians to continuously see the Armed Forces as a true representation of the Liberian people.”

The Commander-In-Chief urged the Army to remain the “People’s Soldiers” as they performed their duties in like manner.

He also charged Liberians in all walks of life to support the Armed Forces to always conduct its functions as a professional military that serves the collective interest of all Liberians.

President Weah thanked the Minister of Defense, Major General Daniel Ziankahn (Rtd.), and his able team for what he called “the excellent leadership they have manifested in making our Armed Forces a “Force for Good”.

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