Pres. Weah contributes L$3M to Sarkonedu School in Lofa


President George Manneh Weah has donated L$3m for the completion of the Sarkonedu High School in Sarkonedu Quardu-Gboni, Lofa County.

President Weah said his administration is passionate about education and believes that for Liberia to continue on a trajectory of sustainable growth and development, it is imperative that Liberia develops the minds of the youths irrespective of their locations.

Making the donation on behalf of President Weah in Sarkonedu, Quardu-Gboni, Lofa County on Saturday, Deputy House Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa said President Weah and the CDC-led Government are determined to construct schools and assist communities to construct schools; and will continue to demonstrate this by making significant financial commitments in the sector and the Government as the largest contributor to the sector.

“The donation is the President’s way of enhancing students’ quest for education in Sarkonedu,” the Deputy Speaker said.

The Deputy Speaker made the donation when he served as Guest Speaker at the 1st Anniversary of the Sarkonedu Development Organization (SDO), which was colorfully attended by over 5,000 citizens of Sarkonedu, who also participated in the fundraising to complete the school.

The Grand Kru County District #2 lawmaker, on behalf of his wife’s family who hail from Sarkonedu, donated L$1.5m and then on behalf of his Mother-in-Law, Mrs. Jenneh Yekeson, also donated L$500,000.

The Deputy Speaker thanked the citizens of Sarkonedu and said the self-initiative of the citizens in constructing the school is wonderful, and urged the communities in Lofa and other counties to emulate Sarkonedu.

He opined that he hopes the school when completed, would encourage more children to go to school and pave the way for more educational opportunities for hundreds of citizens in the district.

Prior, introducing her husband to the people of Sarkonedu, Mrs. Dama Koffa said the Deputy Speaker, is a mirror- image of her father, Dr. Steven Yekeson, in so many special ways, and one of them is respect of family value.

“And I can say with all sincerities that it is the raaaon, he is here today,” Mrs. Koffa said.

She indicated that the second of many reasons, is his passion for education like her father.

“My husband has demonstrated it through my education, our children and so many others — and he’s still is.”

It is believed the President’s L$3M donation and others’ contributions will complete the school.

The school will be the first high school established in Sarlonedu since Quardu-Gboni was established as a district in 2004.

It may be recalled that on April 27, 2021, a heavy storm destroyed several homes in Sarkonedu, leaving several homeless including its only junior high and hundreds of school-going children out of school. It is against this backdrop that the citizens of Sarkonedu under the banner Sarkonedu Development Organization launched a campaign to construct a state-of-the-art high school and vocational center in the district.

Meanwhile, Sarkonedu Community gowned the Deputy Speaker and his wife, Mrs. Dama Yekeson-Koffa who is a daughter of the community for their continuous supports.

The community also gave the Deputy Speaker parcels of land to build his house and be considered a son of the community.

Further, Lofa County District #4, through the Office of Rep. Mariamu Fofana, gowned the Deputy Speaker and his wife.

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