‘Our Democracy At Test’ …says Pres. Weah of 2023 Elections, raises More Concerns Over Discovery of Arms
While fulfilling his constitutional duty to deliver his sixth and final State of the Nation Address (SONA) of his first six-year charge of office to the Joint Chambers of the 54th National Legislature, President George Manneh Weah pinpointed the crucial nature of the ensuing 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.
SONA is in consonance of Article 58 of the Liberian Constitution, which states that: “The President shall, on the fourth working Monday in January of each year, present the administration’s legislative program for the ensuing session, and shall once a year report to the Legislature on the state of the Republic. In presenting the economic condition of the Republic the report shall cover expenditure as well as income.”
Taking the podium on the late afternoon hours of Monday, January 30, 2023, President Weah described the upcoming process as the first biggest in the country’s democratic process that his government stands to prove that it is capable to conduct through a peaceful and credible process.
“This is a test that we will pass. I want to reaffirm my commitment to the holding of free and fair elections by ensuring that the democratic will of the people of Liberia prevails and I remain committed to that process. I want to thank partners for their support to the National Elections Commission and the country’s electoral process as we enter this defining moment,” said the Liberian leader.
But while the President remains upbeat about a free, fair, peaceful and credible process, he is worried over the arrest of arms recently at the Freeport of Monrovia and at a home in Brewerville City, outside Monrovia.
According to him, the discovery of on the throat of the most crucial elections in the history of the country is cause for concern for all peace loving Liberians and as such, iterated charge to the Liberia National Police to get to the bottom by bringing all suspects to justice.
“This is a major cause for concern. The Liberia National Police continues to exert all efforts to bring all suspects to justice. It is my hope that we work together and put aside our political differences and enjoy our country by throwing out the bitter pills in the past. As a government, we are prepared to eliminate any threat to our hard won peace,” the Liberian leader, among other things, added.
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