NEC concludes Biometric Voter Registration Nationwide


The Final phase of the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) in the remaining nine counties of Liberia has ended.

Phase Two of the exercise was conducted in Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Gedeh, and Sinoe Counties.
The other counties included River Cess, Maryland, River Gee, and Grand Kru.
The Second Phase began on April 21 and ended on Thursday, May 11, 2023.
The end of the Second Phase means that the BVR exercise has ended nationwide in line with National Elections Commission’s (NEC) regulations.
Phase one of the Biometric Voter Registration Exercise was conducted in Montserrado, Bassa, Margibi, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu Counties, earlier.
At the same time, the NEC and registered political parties have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase women’s participation in politics.
The MoU Calls for the implementation of a minimum thirty-percent gender quota in the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.
It also calls for not less than thirty percent of the listing of candidates to be women and submitted to the NEC during the nomination period.
The MoU further mandates political parties to create an enabling environment for active and increased participation of female candidates in all political activities, during the October elections.
The document wants political parties to work collaboratively with female candidates to mobilize the needed funding for campaigning and other political activities.
Meanwhile, NEC Chairperson, Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, said:” The Commission and political parties have reaffirmed their commitment to changing inequality in Liberian politics”.
Madam Browne-Lansanah praised Liberia’s international partners, political parties, and civil society organizations for ensuring that the MoU becomes a reality.
She spoke on Thursday, May 11, 2023, in Monrovia, during the signing of the MoU.
Speaking on behalf of her colleagues, a representative from the Rainbow Coalition, Deanna Morris, called on the various political parties to implement the terms of the MOU.
For his part, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) National Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, who spoke on behalf of political parties’ male, assured that the MoU will be demonstrated at all levels in their various party structures.

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