President George Manneh Weah has alleged that the Executive Mansion, which is regarded as the home of the Liberian Presidency, was looted by the opposition and his government fixed it.

‘’They looted the Executive Mansion and we fixed it,’’ President accentuated.

“I mean they took absolutely everything from in the mansion, nothing left there,” President Weah further alleged while addressing partisans and supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change(CDC) during a campaign trail in Todee Statutory District, Montserrado County.

Even though he did not made mention of a specific member of the opposition class who he claimed carried out such act but stated that their action then embarrassed the image of the country for several years not until his government’s intervention to help rescue and restore the lost image of the country.

He told his people that he used to be so embarrassed and very shame when he went for international functions and was asked by his counterparts and colleagues how was the mansion, and in most cases, he normally did not say anything convincing neither tangibles at the time.

Narrating further, the Liberian leader asserted that most often some foreign guests, international partners among others normally visit the Foreign Ministry where he then had his temporary office but unfortunately they would get mix up with some citizens who also usually go at the same Ministry to obtain passports.

He pointed out that it was sad for the face of the country and his government had to work very hard to restore the lost image and dignity of the country by giving the Executive Mansion, the office and home of the President, a new and well deserved look.

“How can you loot somewhere and other people fixed it so nicely and then you want to come back at the same place to loot it again? No this does not make sense,” President Weah blasted.

According to him, it is about time that members of the opposition take the people the country in general very seriously and should mean well for them as well.

He challenged the Liberian people to be the judge to make the right decision come October 10, 2023 if they will allow the same people who were in government and failed to fix the mansion to come back to the then burned mansion, which his government already fixed, adding that the ball is now in the coats of the people.

The Liberian leader also warned the people of this country to be aware of members of the opposition who he claimed careless about the image of the country evidence of the then abandoned and burned Executive Mansion, which his government fixed.

He wondered without name calling but stated that how can an individual who worked in government for over forty years but is still struggling.

” They say man can’t talk all so I will leave the rest but give me my birthday gift after October 1, 2023, which is my birthday on October 10, 2023 by turning out in your mass to vote me, Saah Joseph and all CDC candidates so we can continue the good development activities, which we have started,” he urged his people.

‘‘One round victory is key for the continuation of development across the country,’’ the CDC’s flag bearer reminded his partisans and supporters.

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