LIBERIA: USAID Civil Society Activity distributes US$1.5M to 18 Organizations Today


The USAID Liberia Civil Society Activity (CSA) will on today, Tuesday, June 27, 2023 distribute more than $1.5 million in grants to 18 organizations to strengthen citizens’ ability to advocate for policy reforms in education, health, and local governance sectors.

United States Embassy Deputy Chief of Missions Joel Maybury, senior Liberian government officials, senior officials from USAID, CSA grantees and partners will participate in the grant launch event planned for 9 a.m. to noon at the Sinkor Palace Hotel (formerly Millennium Guesthouse and Suites in Congo Town, near Catholic Hospital Junction).

CSA is in the second year of a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) implemented by DAI Global, LLC (DAI) . CSA’s goal is to advocate for policy reforms, policy implementation, and service delivery improvements through multi-stakeholder coalitions that build feedback loops among the government of Liberia, CSOs, and citizens.

The grants will enable civil society organizations to advocate for the improvement in the education and health sectors in six counties: Montserrado, Nimba, Lofa, Margibi, Bong and Grand Bassa.

Below is the list of grantees:

• Public Health Initiative (PHIL)
• Youth Network for Positive Change (YOUNETPRO)
• Efficient Research and Development Institute (ERDI)
• Community Health Education and Social Services (CHESS-Liberia)
• Humanity Above One-Self Foundation (HAOSF)
• Volunteers United for Development (VUD)
• Institute for Policy Evaluation and Research (IPER)
• Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD)
• Rural Human Rights Activists Program (RHRAP)
• Development Education Leadership Training in Action-Human Rights Foundation (DELTA-HRF)
• Foundation for International Dignity (FIND)
• Integrity Watch Liberia (IWL)
• Youth Movement for Collective Action (U-Movement)
• Institute for Democratic Action & Development (IDAD)
• Youth Coalition for Education in Liberia (YOCEL)
• Survivors Aid International Liberia Inc. (SAIL
• Development Education Network (DEN-L)
• Consortium of Business Development Service Providers of Liberia (CBDSPL)

Each organization will receive up to $75,000. The grants provide opportunities for CSOs to build linkages with their peers and constituencies at national and subnational levels. Through these linkages, CSOs can communicate reform achievements back to their constituencies and engage them in policy dialogue.

In addition, the grants will promote greater collaboration with Liberian traditional leaders and media outlets to communicate reform priorities to citizens across the country. Better connections with

constituencies will not only help the government of Liberia to respond to and devise best-fit solutions to local problems, but also facilitate behavior change leading to greater civic awareness and citizen participation.

CSA and its partners will support the formation of coalitions representing diverse constituencies around key policy priorities. In line with the new focus on fostering a citizen-state compact, CSA will help coalition members extend their reach past Monrovia to provide mechanisms for the collection of citizen feedback.

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