Liberia Solar Home System Signs Grant Agreement With RREA


The Liberia Solar Home System (LSHS) has signed a grant agreement with the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA).

The signing ceremony marks a significant milestone in the efforts to increase access to clean and sustainable energy in Liberia. The Liberia Solar Home System Project aims to provide solar power to households in rural and underserved areas, improving the quality of life for thousands of Liberians.

The Executive Director of (RREA), Samuel Nagbe, has expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for their support in funding this important initiative. He also commended EcoPower Liberia, Sjedi Green Energy and Liberia Energy Network-2 for their commitment to implementing the project and helping to bring reliable electricity to remote communities.
Mr. Nagbe further stressed the need for a renewable energy policy.

“I have always said to my team, we have a renewable energy policy.”

Singing on behalf of the implanting entities were ⁠Ms. Rosy Choudhury, Country Manager BRAC Liberia, ⁠Mr. Natty Davies III, RBF Advisor, Mr. GiZ/EnDev, Royston Gbelia, CEO, SJEDI Green Energy, ⁠Mr. Patrick T. Tewuleh, CEO, Liberia Energy Network-2 and ⁠Mr. Vickson Korlewala, CEO, Ecopower Liberia.

It was a momentous occasion that highlighted the collaborative efforts of all parties involved in bringing clean and affordable energy to the people of Liberia.

As the project moves forward, it is expected to have a transformative impact on the lives of many Liberians, providing them with access to reliable electricity for lighting, cooking, and powering electronic devices. The grant agreement signing ceremony was just the beginning of a new chapter in Liberia’s journey towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

The Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA) is an independent agency of the Government of Liberia(GoL) established in January 2010 to facilitate and accelerate the economic transformation of rural Liberia by promoting the commercial development and supply of modern energy products and services to rural areas through the private sector and community initiatives. The act establishing the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency was passed by the Legislature in July 2015.

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