In a joint effort to contribute to the country’s health delivery system, Change Agent Network Africa, Inc., a not for profit humanitarian organization based in the United States of America (USA) has signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Office of River Cess County Senator Wellington Geevon-Smith and Young Men’s Christian Association of Liberia (YMCA-Liberia).
The MOU was signed Monday, April 17, 2023 by CAN represented by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms. Annie G. Wright, YMCA of Liberia represented by its National General Secretary/CEO, E. Timotheus Kamaboakai and Senator Wellington Geevon Smith in Congo Town, near Monrovia.
As a not for profit humanitarian organization, CAN is desirous of contributing to the health sector of Liberia through the collection, packaging and shipping needed medical supplies to selected health centers in Liberia; hence, the signed MOU ensure the distribution of medical supplies at selected struggling health facilities in the country.
In the signed MOU, the three parties agreed to strengthen and enhance cooperation, collaboration and coordination for the common good of all.
Specifically for CAN, the organization shall liaise with its partners abroad to collect, package and ship medical supplies to Liberia for onward distribution to identified health centers in the country.
Also, the humanitarian group is to explore other avenues for financial support where applicable, while at the same time provide and make available periodic reports to the parties.
According the agreement, YMCA would receive and take delivery of the Medical Supplies from Change Agent Network Africa through the Office of Senator Wellington Geevon Smith.
“YMCA shall collaborate with the Office of the Senator and Change Agent Network Africa Liberia’s Chapter to ensure the successful distribution of the consignments to identified health centers in the country,” the MOU furthered.
Also, YMCA is mandated to explore other avenue for financial support where applicable, and provide and make available periodic reports to the parties.
Sen. Geevon-Smith, for his part, shall ensure to use his Office Duty ‘Free Privilege’ to clear the container(s) with medical supplies from Change Agent Network Africa, Inc.
The River Cess County lawmaker, also under the agreement, is to liaise with Change Agent Network Africa Liberia Chapter and the Liberia YMCA to ensure the successful distribution of the consignments to identified health centers in the country.
Jointly, the parties shall undertake activities to achieve the implementation of this MOU, in particular, the key objective: to ensure that medical supplies are standardized and shall be packed in containers and shipped to Liberia.
Speaking briefly to reporters after the signing of the MOU, the River Cess County lawmaker described the agreement as a great relief to the people of Liberia, especially people living in hard-to-reach places, where health facilities find it increasingly difficult to medical supplies.
This, according to him, will help address the issue of premature/untimely deaths and reduce the increasing rate of maternal mortality in the leeward counties.
“This agreement in itself is a great relief for the people of Liberia, especially people in remote villages and towns where the clinics and health facilities continue to lack basic drugs, thus leading to untimely deaths of our people,” added the River Cess County Senator.
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