Liberia: one of the 20 presidential candidates put up white flag


Preliminarily there are 20, but the final list of Presidential candidates is expected to bring out 19 names, as one of the applicants has already bided farewell to the process.

Presidential Hopeful Dr. George P. Gonpu of the African Democratic Movement of Liberia (ADML) has announced his withdrawal of his candidacy for the upcoming Presidential and Legislative Elections.

Speaking to members of his party and journalists Saturday, July 22, 2023, Dr. Gonpu said he took the decision following an assessment of the political landscape and consultations with officials of the party.

Dr. Gonpu said though he will not be on the ballot in the upcoming contest, the party will continue to be an active player in helping to ensure that Liberia stays on the path of consolidating democracy, which includes peaceful, fair, transparent elections and rules of reasonable and good laws in the country.

“The lessons learned from our engagement with Liberians have further intensified to become more dedicated to the fight for national unity, good governance and economic development,” he stated.

He indicated that although the party will not have political authority over the management of the state resources in 2024, the party will determine its portion and they will implement a vibrant opposition party.

“Let us continue to unite, remembering that ADML has come a long way and has compelling grassroots history and a great vision for Liberia,” he asserted.

Though ADML will not be having a presidential candidate in the upcoming process, the party has announced the nomination of four candidates for the legislative race.

Those expected to contest on the party ticket are Andrew M. Wongeg of District 14, Montserrado County, Joseph W. Jallah, District #17, Montserrado County, Troken B. Lewis, District # 1 Montserrado County and Jasbgah A. Jasbgha, District # 6 and Usher p. David, Bong County District # 1.

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