LIBERIA: Mayor Koijee testifies in Chaloe’s Murder Case


Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Tamba Koijee, has denied ever interacting with former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott at her home before her indictment by the Liberian Government.

Testifying on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, as subpoenaed witness in the ongoing murder trial of the former Chief Justice at Criminal Court A, Mayor Koijee also dismissed as untrue that MCC Patrolman, Varlee Telleh, had call interactions in connection with the incident that took place at Madam Scott’s residence.
The Monrovia City Corporation Boss argued that if his accusers claimed that he communicated with Telleh, such a claim could be verified by the GSM Company they are subscribing to and not him as a subscriber, though he confirmed ownership of the subpoenaed numbers.
Mayor Koijee said his numbers are open for investigation as was done during a police inquiry in connection with the murder case, but was subsequently acquitted by the police.
At the same time, the Duty Commander of Genesis Security on the night of February 22, Moses Wright, also denied ever calling his subpoena number two days before the incident.
Meanwhile, the Court has granted an application filed by Defense Lawyers to subpoena Orange GSM Company to testify on the call logs, ahead of the next hearing on this Friday, December 15, 2023.

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