LIBERIA: Dan Saryee endorses Boakai’s Presidential Bid … Says JNB has all the qualities we need in a president right now


The former Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services at the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation(LWSC), Dan Torkamawon Saryee, said having reviewed all of the presidential candidates in the ensuing Presidential and Legislative Elections in Liberia, he has endorsed Ambassador Joseph Nyema Boakai for the Office of the President, Republic of Liberia.

In consonance of Article 77(b) of the Liberian Constitution, Liberians of voting ages will troop to all 2,081 polling precincts or 5,000 plus polling centers across the country on October 10, 2023 to vote for a President/Vice President, 15 Senators and 73 Representatives in the much-publicized 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

As it stands, about 19 Presidential persons aspiring for the nation’s highest political seat are readily awaiting the final list of candidates to begin campaign activities, which begin August 5 and ends October 8 (just two days to the main process).

Accordingly, in a press statement, Mr. Saryee, who is the former Chairman for the Movement for Economic Empowerment(MOVEE), pointed out that Ambassador Boakai has the father character, maturity, and the experience to restore the image of Liberia and guide the Liberian People through ‘‘one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery’’.

‘‘I believe JNB has all the qualities we need in a president right now. He’s someone whose own life has taught him how to persevere; how to bounce back when you’ve been knocked down. Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him, and that made him the best, suitable and consensual choice for this election. I am of the conviction that JNB will surround himself with good people — experts, scientists, administrators who actually know how to run government and care about doing a good job, restore confidence in our allies and will always put the Liberian people’s interests above his personal gains,’’ the former MOVEE Chairman stated.

‘‘By now, one thing everybody has learned is that the Coalition for Democratic Change(CDC)DC Senators and Representatives occupying the legislature as well as their leader, President George Msanneh Weah are not interested in running a government that will cater to the wellbeing of the Liberian people and the progress of the nation state. They are only interested in the loot of the state and criminal accumulation of wealth while the masses suffer in disbelief, in hunger, joblessness, insecurity and fear of mysterious murders each day. They have betrayed and disregarded the democratic principles of rule of law, job creation, development of the future of the young people, quality healthcare and education programs, and transparency — basic norms that underscore the bedrock of our democracy. So, our country’s future hangs on this election. And it won’t be easy but in union, we can defeat the Weah empire face down,’’ he asserted.

‘‘They have started putting on massive war chest and on the other side, a propaganda network with little regard for the truth. But in the face of mischief, what is real, and what is important in the mind of voters is that good and accountable governance matters. That a sound economy that enables every Liberian to put bread on his/her table from an honest earning matters. That the rule of law that protects every Liberian irrespective of status matters. That having leaders who are informed, and honest, and seek to bring people together rather than drive them apart — those kinds of leaders matter, and this is the value I am convinced JNB wants to restore unto our democracy. I am aware that partisans of the Movement for Economic Empowerment were forcefully conscripted under the force of “Pay to Play” agenda and executed by partisan Dee Maxwell Kemayah and assisted by bag-boy culprit Robert Sammie, who now enjoys long parole term due to our absence from Monrovia. Let both of these two similar characters be reminded that there will be a consequence for doing business with all legislative seats with the CDC,’’ he further asserted.

Meanwhile, Mr. Saryee has invited all partisans of MOVEE including county chairs, executive members, youth league and women league, to join them on the RESCURE TRAIN, adding that , ‘‘On this train, there are secured seats and opportunities that we can all take advantage of to put our country back once more on track. I thank you and God bless the Rescue Team’’.

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