Internal Audit Agency launches Public Sector Compliance Scorecard


The Internal Audit Agency (IAA), with support from the World Bank, recently launched the Public Sector Compliance Scorecard and Pentana Audit Software.

The Compliance Scorecard will be used by internal auditors as a tool to provide feedback on performances and identify non-compliance in the public sector.
The launch followed more than four weeks intensive in-service training of one-hundred-seventy-seven internal auditors.
According to Director General David Kemah, the training validated the Internal Audit Regulations, an Internal Manual to standardize the internal audit functions of auditors.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel Tweah, has described the launch of the Public Sector Compliance Scorecard and Pentana Audit Software as a huge milestone for good governance in Liberia.
The Finance Minister was speaking when he officially launched the Public Sector Compliance Scorecard and the Pentana Audit Software.
Minister Tweah pointed out that the new system will improve performance at Government entities and attract more support from international partners.”
He called on auditors not to allow themselves to be intimidated by Government officials, while carrying on their jobs.

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