Foreign Ministry contributes Over US$609K Surplus to National Budget exceeds National Revenue Projection of US$4 Million
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the virtuous leadership of H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., has made a huge increment in the collection of Revenue during the just ended Fiscal Year 2022.
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning along with the Liberia Revenue Authority during the Budget Preparation for Fiscal Year 2022 initially put the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Revenue Projection at US$3,500,000.00, but after the Ministry’s Revenue defense with the House’s Joint Committee on Ways, Means, Finance, Budget and Development Planning and Public Accounts and Expenditure of the Liberian Legislature for a legislative hearing the Ministry’s Revenue projection was further increased to US$4,000,000.00.
During the execution of the National Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was able to collect the amount of US$4,609,534.09 actually from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. As the result of this great performance and potential in line with the reform agenda introduced by H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Internal Control measures the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was able to collect the amount of US$609,534.90 in excess of its revenue projection by the National Legislature, Liberia Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning for fiscal year 2022, thereby representing 15.24% increment, which is the highest for the first time in ten years.
Additionally, this is not the first time for the Ministry under the leadership of H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., Minister of Foreign Affairs and Dean of the Cabinet to exceed its revenue projection.
It can be recalled that during the Fiscal Year 2020/2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Foreign Minister Kemayah generated more than US$544,000.00 in excess of its revenue projection for the period. Also, it can be recalled that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Ambassador Kemayah generated a little over US$200,000.00 as surplus of its revenue projection for the Special Budget period, which ran from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
Consistent with the Revenue Laws of Liberia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs generates revenue and remits same through a non-withdrawal revenue account; accessed only by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP).
Interestingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contributes and supports the National Budget through several revenue lines. They are Consular Fees (Fees for Issuance of single and multiple entry visas), Passport Fees, Laissez-Passer Fees, Articles of Incorporation, and Dissolutions.
The others are: Apostilles/Attestations (Authentication of documents), Corporate Jackets (Blue Jackets), Birth Affidavits and Death Certificates.
Meanwhile, since taking over as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Dean of the Cabinet, Ambassador Kemayah has relentlessly embarked on his ongoing reform at the ministry, including but not limited to human capacity development, 20% reduction in prices for Passports across the board, strengthening of the protocol services, opening of Passport Application Centers around the world, enhancing Transparency and Accountability at home office and in the foreign service, introduction of biometric clocking in and out system, enhancement of the Foreign Service Institute, provision of transportation for staff, renovation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, and the development of a blueprint to serve as a roadmap for future engagements, among others.
Foreign Minister Kemayah, who has been hailed in many quarters as a “reformer” and “Game Changer” at the Ministry, has always motivated employees of the Ministry to be robust in the execution of their duties and responsibilities in a bid to ensure a shared vision and commonality in the advancement of the Foreign Policy objectives of Liberia.
Foreign Minister Kemayah, who is widely noted for being an “Overachiever”, continues to keep his promise of leading by example. For instant, Ambassador Kemayah always signing in and out in spite of his status as Minister of Foreign Affairs and has encouraged all those working at the ministry to follow suit.
Prior to his ascendency as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kemayah served as Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN). He previously served as Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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