Monrovia, 2 June 2023(LDW) – The office of the European Union in Liberia on has announced the singing of four new support programmes to Liberia. In a press release on Friday June 2, 2023, the EU said that on Monday 5 June 2023 at 10:00am at the Delegation of the European Union in Mamba Point, the Head of the European Union Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Laurent Delahousse and the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel D. Tweah Jr., will proceed with the signature of four new support programmes of the European Union to Liberia, totalling 80 million euros / 88 million US dollars.

These programmes, according to EU, kick-start the new phase of EU-Liberia development partnership from 2021 to 2025, for which a total of 191 million euros / 220 million US dollars have been earmarked.

“The official signature ceremony will take place in the context of the 50th Anniversary of EU- Liberia relations. In 1973, the Commission of the European Economic Community established its first office in Liberia, which has since been upgraded to a full diplomatic mission, the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Liberia.” The press release stipulates.

The four programmes are:
1. Strengthening inclusive and accountable democracy in Liberia (around 16.5 million US dollars) aims to promote a more inclusive and transparent democracy in Liberia. It will support the electoral cycle and sustain peace, enable the meaningful participation of women and inclusion of marginalised groups in political processes, and increase the participation of citizens in the decision-making process and accountability. The programme will be implemented with the National Elections Commission through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
2. Youth Rising: EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia (around 31 million US dollars) will create jobs and support young Liberians in setting up businesses through the creation of TVET schools in 8 counties (the other 7 counties were already covered during Phase I). The programme will be implemented with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education through the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
3. From productivity to product, linking peers to peers (P2P) (around 24 million US dollars) aims to boost safe and sustainable food systems growth for enhanced food and nutrition security, including aquaculture. The programme will be implemented with the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture authority and other partners.
4. Forestry and Conservation for a sustainable economic development (around 16.5 million US dollars) will promote job creation and income generation through the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources such as agroforestry, fuelwood plantation, multipurpose tree nurseries, and formalisation of chainsaw millers. The programme will also aim at protecting the rich biodiversity of Liberia. It will be implemented with the Forestry Development Authority and various partners, such as community forest organisations.

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