Census Results Key for Planning the Next Five Years of National Development
…Says MFDP Boss
The Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning(MFDP), Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., has assured that the Government of Liberia(GoL) will now use the latest National Population and Housing Census Results to inform the design of its development planning and policy options.
Minister Tweah pointed out that the results provide the basis for critical transformational work in the human development programs of the Government.
Minister Tweah, who is also the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) Board of Directors Chairman, stated that the results from the process are also important for planning the next five years of national development.
He expressed excitement that the Weah-Administration and partners surmounted the challenges that were associated with the process.
He added that the efforts exerted in working together, illustrates the power and possibilities accrued from cooperation and coordination in Liberia’s development.
It can be recalled that recently, the GoL via LISGIS announced preliminary results of the National Housing and Population Census conducted late last year.
The Acting Director General of LISGIS, Lawrence George, said:” The preliminary results put Liberia’s population at five-million-two-hundred-forty-eight-thousand-six-hundred-forty-one.”
Mr. George stated that the male population is two-million-six-hundred-four-thousand-fifty, constituting fifty-point-four-percent, while the female population is two-million-six-hundred-four-thousand-one-hundred-seventy-one, amounting to forty-nine-point-six percent.
He added that the inter-census population growth rate is three-point-zero-percent, with an average household size of four-point-four-percent.
The last population census conducted in 2008 put the country at three
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