Avoid violence and remain civil as Liberia gears up for 2023 Elections

…MICAT Boss entreats Fellow Compatriots


The Minister of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism(MICAT), Ledgerhood Julius Rennie, has called on all Liberians to avoid violence and remain civil as Liberia gears up for the much publicized 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections

Speaking on Thursday, February 9, 2022 at MICAT press briefing in Monrovia, Minister Rennie disclosed that elections are one part of the many things the government is dealing with to continue on the path of sustaining peace as well as building upon the democracy and ensuring that the country moves to greater development.

According to him, 60% of the country’s democracy are young people, most of whom, are inexperienced and look forward to the older generation for direction, as such, they should serve as example and not to instigate violence.

“We have to lead and show by demonstrating our power and willingness regardless of our political differences and ideology in the way and form that does not involve violence because if there’s any lesson to be learn we will learn the hard lesson from our country past civil wars that led to the damage of our country,” he said.

He pointed out that elections are a game, and should not be used to tear down the country because, it will come and go but at the end Liberia will remain supreme regardless of the outcome from the elections.

“All of us from different works of life should lead by example so the young people too will know that what’s coming up is not a zero song game that Liberia will end that day. Liberia will remain supreme regardless of the outcome of the Elections.
So what we do now and after the election will tell the world that Liberia has come of age and we are consolidating our institution of democracy,” the MICAT Boss asserted.

At the same time, Minister Rennie called s on the media practitioners to be an ambassador for peace urging them to be mindful of the way they conduct themselves, because they have responsibility in maintaining the country’s peace most especially the talk show hosts.

“I want to sound this caveat to the media that they have a greater responsibility to the public especially those of us the talk show hosts, people who we call agenda setters, we have to make sure of what we say and how we say it, it will help in guiding this jealous peace that we all enjoy. Without peace there can never be a better world. So remember you too behind that microphone have a great responsibility to your listening audience to your country in the sustaining of peace and democracy,” Minister Rennie emphasized.

“Yes let’s disagree because society is not homogeneous, society is diverse, we all came from different sphere and see things differently. We don’t necessarily have to agree on all but at the end of the day we should maintain our peace and consolidate our democracy that will lead to the development of our country,’’ he accentuated.

He continued: “Those of us who are players in the contestation in these elections must be mindful of how we carry on our business. The politicians will come and they will make all statements most of those statements will not be true. You sitting behind the microphone and hearing someone making a wired allegations that will cause trouble, remind them that they have a responsibility especially if they don’t have evidence to prove what they are saying. You have the responsibility to challenge them and to issue even a disclaimer and say they are making these claims but we as an institution cannot verify so we disassociating ourselves until we can verify, that’s quality journalism.”

“Because at the end of the day if you just allow your airways to be used for purpose of fractioning our fragile peace then you too will be held responsible. So all of as need to be careful. We can talk about all the issues we think is genuine to these elections but we should remember that after elections there will still be Liberia. And the Liberia we want is a peaceful Liberia. It doesn’t mean because we are different so we are enemies,’’ the Liberian Information Minister intoned.

“No one needs to worry, nobody is going behind anyone because of his political views or his political affiliation, this president has shown great deal of tolerance in the midst of unprovoked, personal attacks and unwarranted statements on him and his family of falsehood and put up lies, he has shown great deal of courage, strength and tolerance. The government is not interested in turning back the thrones and the gains that we ourselves as a government have contributed to for the consolidation of peace,” he, among other things, added.

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